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Distance betweeen coordinates Python vs R computation time

I am trying to calculate the distance between one point and many others on a WGS84 ellipsoid - not the haversine approximation as explained in other answers. I would like to do it in Python but the computation time is very long with respect to R. My Python script below takes almost 23 seconds while the equivalent one in R takes 0.13 seconds. Any suggestion for speeding up my python code?

Python script:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from geopy.distance import geodesic
from timeit import default_timer as timer
df = pd.DataFrame()
city_coord_orig = (4.351749, 50.845701) 
city_coord_orig_r = tuple(reversed(city_coord_orig))
N = 100000
df['or'] = [city_coord_orig_r] * N
df['new'] = df.apply(lambda x: (x['or'][0] + np.random.normal(), x['or'][1] + np.random.normal()), axis=1)
start = timer()
df['d2city2'] = df.apply(lambda x: geodesic(x['or'], x['new']).km, axis=1)
end = timer()
print(end - start)

R script

# clean up
rm(list = ls())
# read libraries

city.coord.orig <- c(4.351749, 50.845701)
many <- data.frame(x=rep(city.coord.orig[1], N) + rnorm(N), 
                   y=rep(city.coord.orig[2], N) + rnorm(N))
city.coord.orig <- c(4.351749, 50.845701)
start_time <- Sys.time()
many$d2city <- distGeo(city.coord.orig, many[,c("x","y")]) 
end_time <- Sys.time()
end_time - start_time


  • You are using .apply(), which uses a simple loop to run your function for each and every row. The distance calculation is done entirely in Python (geopy uses geographiclib which appears to be written in Python only). Non-vectorised distance calculations are slow, what you need is a vectorised solution using compiled code, just like when calculating the Haversine distance.

    pyproj offers verctorised WSG84 distance calculations (the methods of the pyproj.Geod class accept numpy arrays) and wraps the PROJ4 library, meaning it runs these calculations in native machine code:

    from pyproj import Geod
    # split out coordinates into separate columns
    df[['or_lat', 'or_lon']] = pd.DataFrame(df['or'].tolist(), index=df.index)
    df[['new_lat', 'new_lon']] = pd.DataFrame(df['new'].tolist(), index=df.index)
    wsg84 = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
    # numpy matrix of the lon / lat columns, iterable in column order
    or_and_new = df[['or_lon', 'or_lat', 'new_lon', 'new_lat']].to_numpy().T
    df['d2city2'] = wsg84.inv(*or_and_new)[-1] / 1000  # as km

    This clocks in at considerably better times:

    >>> from timeit import Timer
    >>> count, total = Timer(
    ...     "wsg84.inv(*df[['or_lon', 'or_lat', 'new_lon', 'new_lat']].to_numpy().T)[-1] / 1000",
    ...     'from __main__ import wsg84, df'
    ... ).autorange()
    >>> total / count * 10 ** 3  # milliseconds

    66 milliseconds to calculate 100k distances, not bad!

    To make the comparison objective, here is your geopy / df.apply() version on the same machine:

    >>> count, total = Timer("df.apply(lambda x: geodesic(x['or'], x['new']).km, axis=1)", 'from __main__ import geodesic, df').autorange()
    >>> total / count * 10 ** 3  # milliseconds

    25.8 seconds, not even in the same ballpark.