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How to generate unique id with prefix using Spring Data Couchbase SDK?

I would like to know how to generate a unique id with prefix e.g. user::524525 with Couchbase SDK.

When I started with Couchbase using the Couchbase JavaSDK guide, I noticed that in all the examples the id looks like TYPE::ID e.g user::king_arthur. This is also recommended to avoid conflicting ids for different documents. As I was reading the documentation from Spring Data Couchbase I thought the way to do it would be


public class User {    

    private String prefix = "user";

    @Id @GeneratedValue(delimiter = "::", strategy = GenerationStrategy.USE_ATTRIBUTES)
    private String id;

but when I test this and check in the db, the ID is just "user".

Am I missing something? Is it a bug? I would appreciate any suggestions.


  • So actually I found the answer, I had to use GenerationStrategy.UNIQUE like this:

    private String prefix = "user";
    @Id @GeneratedValue( delimiter = "::", strategy = GenerationStrategy.UNIQUE)
    private String id;

    which generates a unique id like user::8a9gfa4d55f7.

    The JavaDoc is confusing though, because for GenerationStrategy.USE_ATTRIBUTES it explicitly says it will use the prefix:

    Constructs key from the entity attributes using the supplied id, prefix, suffix

    but not for GenerationStrategy.UNIQUE:

    Uses an uuid generator