I know I'm missing something here but I'm struggling to understand the customer master key concept in AWS KMS. Below is the sample code.
Code to create master key:
`CreateKeyRequest req = new CreateKeyRequest();
CreateKeyResult result = kmsClient.createKey(req);
String customerMasterKey = result.getKeyMetadata().getKeyId();`
Code to create data key using customer master key:
`GenerateDataKeyRequest dataKeyRequest = new GenerateDataKeyRequest();
GenerateDataKeyResult dataKeyResult = kmsClient.generateDataKey(dataKeyRequest);`
Now as per my understanding, I need to use the master key to decrypt the encrypted data key every time I want to encrypt/decrypt some thing. Which means I need to store these two keys in some location. So if someone else can get access to these two keys, can they be able to decrypt my data using AWS encryption SDK?
The answer to your question is... if it happens that an unauthorised individual has a copy of your master key ID and your encrypted data key, there's no way they can use that master key unless they also have access to your AWS user credentials with the appropriate rights to use that master key.