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Can't read/write to files using multithreading in python

I have an input file which will contain a long list of URLs. Lets assume this in mylines.txt:

What I need to do is:

  1. Read a line from the input file mylines.txt

  2. Execute myFun function. Which will perform some tasks. And produce an output that consists of a line. It is more complex in my real code. But something like this in concept.

  3. Write the output to the results.txt file

Since I have large input. I need to leverage python multithreading. I looked at this good post here. But unfortunately, it assumes input in a simple list, and does not assume I want to write the output of the function in a file.

I need to ensure that each input's output is written in a single line (i.e. the danger if multithreads are writing to the same line so I get incorrect data).

I tried to mess around. But no success. I did not use python's multithreading before but it is time to learn as it is inevitable in my case. I have a very long list which can not finish in a reasonable time without multithreading. My function will not do this simple task, but more operations that are not necessary for the concept.

Here is my attempt. Please correct me (in the code itself):

import threading
import requests
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
import Queue

def myFunc(url):
        response = requests.get(url, verify=False ,timeout=(2, 5))
        results = open("myresults","a") # "a" to append results
        results.write("url is:",url, ", response is:", response.url)

worker_data = open("mylines.txt","r") # open my input file.

#load up a queue with your data, this will handle locking
q = Queue.Queue()

for url in worker_data:

# make the Pool of workers
pool = ThreadPool(4)
results =, q)

# close the pool and wait for the work to finish

Q: How to fix the above code (please be concise and help me in the code itself) to read a line from the input file, execute the function, write the result associated with the input in a line using python multithreading to execute the requests concurrently so I can finish my list in a reasonable time.


Based on the answer, the code becomes:

import threading
import requests
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
import queue
from multiprocessing import Queue

def myFunc(url):
    response = requests.get(url, verify=False ,timeout=(2, 5))
    return "url is:" + url + ", response is:" + response.url

worker_data = open("mylines.txt","r") # open my input file.

#load up a queue with your data, this will handle locking
q = queue.Queue(4)
with open("mylines.txt","r") as f: # open my input file.
    for url in f:

# make the Pool of workers
pool = ThreadPool(4)
results =, q)

with open("myresults","w") as f:
    for line in results:
        f.write(line + '\n')

The mylines.txt contains:

Note that I first was using:

import Queue

And: q = Queue.Queue(4)

But got an error saying:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 4, in <module>
    import Queue
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Queue'

Based on some search I changed to:

import queue

And the concerned line to: q = queue.Queue(4)

I also added:

from multiprocessing import Queue

But nothing works. Can any expert in python multithreading help?


  • Rather than have the worker pool threads print the result out, which is not guaranteed to buffer the output correctly, instead create one more thread, which reads results from a second Queue and prints them.

    I've modified your solution so it builds its own threadpool of workers. There's little point giving the queue an inifinite length, since the main thread will block when the queue reaches maximum size: you only need it to be long enough to make sure there's always work to be processed by the worker threads - the main thread will block and unblock as the queue size increases and decreases.

    It also identifies the thread responsible for each item on the output queue, which should give you some confidence that the multithreading approach is working, and prints the response code from the server. I found I had to strip the newlines from the URLs.

    Since now only one thread is writing to the file, writes are always perfectly in sync and there is no chance of them interfering with each other.

    import threading
    import requests
    import queue
    POOL_SIZE = 4
    def myFunc(inq, outq):  # worker thread deals only with queues
        while True:
            url = inq.get()  # Blocks until something available
            if url is None:
            response = requests.get(url.strip(), timeout=(2, 5))
            outq.put((url, response, threading.currentThread().name))
    class Writer(threading.Thread):
        def __init__(self, q):
            self.results = open("myresults","a") # "a" to append results
            self.queue = q
        def run(self):
            while True:
                url, response, threadname = self.queue.get()
                if response is None:
                print("****url is:",url, ", response is:", response.status_code, response.url, "thread", threadname, file=self.results)
    #load up a queue with your data, this will handle locking
    inq = queue.Queue()  # could usefully limit queue size here
    outq = queue.Queue()
    # start the Writer
    writer = Writer(outq)
    # make the Pool of workers
    threads = []
    for i in range(POOL_SIZE):
        thread = threading.Thread(target=myFunc, name=f"worker{i}", args=(inq, outq))
    # push the work onto the queues
    with open("mylines.txt","r") as worker_data: # open my input file.
        for url in worker_data:
    for thread in threads:
    # close the pool and wait for the workers to finish
    for thread in threads:
    # Terminate the writer
    outq.put((None, None, None))

    Using the data given in mylines.txt I see the following output:

    ****url is: , response is: 200 thread worker1
    ****url is: , response is: 200 thread worker2
    ****url is: , response is: 200 thread worker0
    ****url is: , response is: 200 thread worker1
    ****url is: , response is: 200 thread worker3