This is an extension of a previous stack-exchange question I posted. link
My goal is to fit data to a function f(t, *p) using the scipy.optimize.curve_fit function. I happen to know some parameters pfix = {p_j, ..., p_k} and want to fit f(t, *p) to my data with the parameters in pfix... fixed.
Above I have a link asking how I could write a wrapper for fixing parameters in a function. Now I want to do the same thing, but for the jacobian of f(t, *p), fixing parameters pfix. I am not sure how to do this.
Wrapper for func(x, *p)
Below is the wrapper for my function:
def fix_params(f, fix_pars):
# fix_pars = ((1, A), (2, B))
def new_func(x, *pars):
new_pars = [None]*(len(pars) + len(fix_pars))
for j, fp in fix_pars:
new_pars[j] = fp
for par in pars:
for j, npar in enumerate(new_pars):
if npar is None:
new_pars[j] = par
return f(x, *new_pars)
return new_func
Naively I would just use this wrapper for my Jacobian function. However, here is the problem.
Let's say I have N parameters and M values for x. Then my jacobian function returns a (M, N) numpy array. Now this is fine if I don't fix any parameters. However, even when I fix just one parameter, my wrapped jacobian function still returns a (M, N) numpy array. This causes curve_fit to complain, as the number of parameters I use is now less than the parameter dimension of my jacobian. I am not sure how to get around this.
Any suggestions?
This should work (using as in my comment scipy.optimize.leatsq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
def arb_func( x, a, b, c, d ):
return a * np.exp( b * np.sin( c * x + d ) )
def arb_fixed( fixed ):
def g( x , *pars ):
locPars = list( pars )
for f in sorted( list(fixed), key=lambda x: x[0] ):
locPars.insert( f[0], f[1] )
return arb_func( x, *locPars)
return g
def func_da( x, a, b, c, d ):
return np.exp( b * np.sin( c * x + d ) )
def func_db( x, a, b, c, d ):
return arb_func( x, a, b, c, d ) * np.sin( c * x + d )
def func_dc( x, a, b, c, d ):
return arb_func( x, a, b, c, d ) * b * np.cos( c * x + d ) * x
def func_dd( x, a, b, c, d ):
return arb_func( x, a, b, c, d ) * b * np.cos( c * x + d )
dList = [ func_da, func_db, func_dc, func_dd ]
def jac( pars, x, y ):
return [ func( x, *pars ) for func in dList ]
def jac_fixed( Fixed = None ):
def h( pars, x, y, z ):
funcList = dList[::]
locFixed = sorted( list(Fixed), key=lambda x: x[0] )
locPars = list( pars )
for f in locFixed:
locPars.insert( f[0], f[1] )
for f in locFixed:
del funcList[ f[0] ]
out = [ func( x, *locPars ) for func in funcList ]
return out
return h
a0 = +3
b0 = -0.6
c0 = +1.44
d0 = +0.4
xList = np.linspace( -2, 4, 100 )
y0List = np.fromiter( ( arb_func( x, a0, b0, c0, d0 ) for x in xList ), np.float )
yNoiseList = np.fromiter( ( y + .2 * np.random.normal() for y in y0List[::4] ), np.float )
xNoiseList = xList[::4]
def residuals_fixed( params, xList, yList, Fixed=None ):
if Fixed is None:
fixedSorted = []
fixedSorted = sorted( list(Fixed), key=lambda x: x[0] )
locParams = list( params )
for f in fixedSorted:
locParams.insert( f[0], f[1] )
diff = [ arb_func( x, *locParams ) - y for x, y in zip( xList, yList )]
return diff
def leastsq_wrapper( xList, yList, p0, **kwargs ):
fixed = kwargs.pop( 'Fixed', None )
if fixed is None:
locFixed = []
locFixed = fixed
s = np.array( locFixed ).shape
if len(s) !=2 or s[-1] !=2:
raise ValueError( 'fixed value list has wrong shape. Must be n by 2, but is {}'.format(s) )
if len( p0 ) + len( locFixed ) != 4:
raise TypeError( 'Total number of arguments (variable + fixed) is not 4' )
fixedSorted = sorted( list( locFixed ), key=lambda x: x[0] )
if not all( [ ( type( item[0] ) is int ) and ( item[0] > -1 ) and ( item[0] < 4 ) for item in fixedSorted ] ):
raise ValueError( 'list indices i for fixed values are not int with 0 <= i < 4' )
my_jac = jac_fixed( Fixed=fixedSorted )
baseDict = { 'args':( xList, yList, fixed ), 'Dfun':my_jac, 'col_deriv':1}
baseDict.update(kwargs) ## allows to send e.g. full_output=True
out = leastsq( residuals_fixed, p0, **baseDict )
return out
myFitStd, err = leastsq( residuals_fixed, [ a0, b0 ,c0 , d0 ], args=( xNoiseList, yNoiseList ) )
print myFitStd
myFit0, err = leastsq_wrapper( xNoiseList, yNoiseList, [ a0, b0 ,c0 , d0 ] )
print myFit0
myFixed1 = [[0,3.3]]
myFit1, err = leastsq_wrapper( xNoiseList, yNoiseList, [ b0 ,c0 , d0 ], Fixed=myFixed1 )
arb1 = arb_fixed( myFixed1 )
print myFit1
myFixed2 = [ [ 3, .8], [2, 1.2 ] ]
myFit2, err = leastsq_wrapper( xNoiseList, yNoiseList, [ a0, b0 ], Fixed=myFixed2 )
arb2 = arb_fixed( myFixed2 )
print myFit2
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot( xList, y0List )
ax.plot( xNoiseList, yNoiseList, marker='o', linestyle='' )
ax.plot( xList, np.fromiter( ( arb_func( x, *myFitStd ) for x in xList ), np.float), linestyle='--' )
ax.plot( xList, np.fromiter( ( arb_func( x, *myFit0 ) for x in xList ), np.float), linestyle=':' )
ax.plot( xList, np.fromiter( ( arb1( x, *myFit1 ) for x in xList ), np.float) )
ax.plot( xList, np.fromiter( ( arb2( x, *myFit2 ) for x in xList ), np.float) )
Giving the output
[ 3.03802692 -0.57275564 1.43380277 0.38557492]
[ 3.03802692 -0.57275564 1.43380277 0.38557493]
[-0.49087778 1.422561 0.40503389]
[ 3.31028289 -0.46678563]