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What is the difference between coverage_exclusions vs exclusions in sonar?

What is the difference between coverage_exclusions vs exclusions in sonar? example:

"sonar": {
    "exclusions": "gulpfile.js, ...",
    "coverage_exclusions": "gulpfile.js, ..., server/models/*.js",
    "quality_gate": "...",
    "server_id": "SONAR-main"


  • sonar.coverage.exclusions excludes some files from the test coverage metrics but those files are still analyzed: other metrics, duplications, coding rules...

    sonar.exclusions completely excludes some files from the analysis: those files don't appear at all in SonarQube.


    sonar.exclusions and sonar.coverage.exclusions are standard property names for SonarQube. I don't know how the tool you use feeds these properties to the analysis based on your configuration file.