I am using Python Popen to execute a command and capture the result in a variable:
av_proc = Popen(
communicateArray = av_proc.communicate()
claimav_output = communicateArray[0].decode('utf-8')
logging.info("clamAV output {}".format(claimav_output))
logging.info("clamAV output Type {}".format(type(claimav_output)))
The log lines printed are:
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] clamAV output LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] LibClamAV Warning: *** The virus database is older than 7 days! ***
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] LibClamAV Warning: *** Please update it as soon as possible. ***
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] /home/admin/Desktop/blob_folder/test2: Worm.Mydoom.I FOUND
[3/1/19 6:49:28 AM] clamAV output Type <class 'str'>
My goal is to extract the virus name in this output, which is 'Worm.Mydoom.I'.
The output will always be in this format :
Filepath: Detection_Name FOUND
I wrote the following python script to extract The detection name:
matchObj = re.match(r'(?<=:\s)\S+(?=\s+FOUND)', claimav_output)
logging.info("matchObj Type {}".format(type(matchObj)))
Unfortunately this is not working. can someone point me to the error in my code. Here is the error that I see in the logs:
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] clamAV output Type <class 'str'>
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] CLAIMAV Parsing claimav output to extract any scan resullt
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] matchObj Type <class 'NoneType'>
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
[3/1/19 6:38:01 AM] Something went wrong
You can use look arounds to capture the virus name using this regex,
Check out this Python code,
import re
s = """[3/1/19 6:02:52 AM] clamAV output b'LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************\nLibClamAV Warning: * The virus database is older than 7 days! \nLibClamAV Warning: Please update it as soon as possible. *\nLibClamAV Warning: **************************************************\n/home/admin/Desktop/blob_folder/test2: Worm.Mydoom.I FOUND\n\n----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------\nKnown viruses: 3832461\nEngine version: 0.100.2\nScanned directories: 0\nScanned files: 1\nInfected files: 1\nData scanned: 0.02 MB\nData read: 0.02 MB (ratio 1.00:1)\nTime: 6.519 sec (0 m 6 s)\n'
[3/1/19 6:02:52 AM] clamAV output Type class 'bytes'"""
m = re.search(r'(?<=:\s)\S+(?=\s+FOUND)', s)
Prints the virus name,