I have scanned the web for my problem. Unable to find an answer.
It's impossible for me to see .DS_Store files in my Finder. I can see all other hidden files.
I'm on Mojave 10.14.3.
I have tried :
I want to see .DS_Store files anywhere on my mac with the Finder, on the desktop, etc.
I'm able to see .DS_Store files with Atom and other softwares.
Sorry, no. The "feature" was added in macOS 10.12 16A238m. Finder will no longer display .DS_Store files even with com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
If you go to System Preferences and select Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services
and enable "New Terminal at Folder" you can open a terminal from the current Finder directory and do a ls -a
however to find them.