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SSL with Puma, HTTP parse error, malformed request

Attempting to configure Puma with HTTPS for a rails application being served in a private network on a remote server. Puma Docs make it look like it is possible, and they provide this command:

puma -b 'ssl://'

Steps taken (for testing purposes):

Generate private key and self-signed certificate

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/puma_test.key -out /etc/zzz_puma_test.crt

Boot up Puma

rvmsudo rails s -p 443 -b 'ssl://'

When I boot up the server, in the logs I see this which I think is odd: Listening on tcp:// It is like Puma is still booting up in http as opposed to https. Here is terminal logs in its entirety when booting up puma:

=> Booting Puma
=> Rails 4.2.8 application starting in development on http://ssl://
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
Puma starting in single mode...
* Version 3.12.0 (ruby 2.3.3-p222), codename: Llamas in Pajamas
* Min threads: 0, max threads: 16
* Environment: development
* Listening on tcp://

When I attempt to access the site, I get this error in terminal:

HTTP parse error, malformed request (): #Puma::HttpParserError: Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails.

In the firefox browser itself, it provides this feedback:

SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG

What is odd is that I do the exact steps above locally on my computer, for an app being served locally on my computer, and it all works fine.

  • I created a new app
  • Ran the above line to generate the secret key and the self-signed certificate
  • Ran the above line to boot up the server
  • In terminal when the server is booted up, it shows it is listening properly (in other words: never mentions http): Listening on ssl://
  • Connecting to https://localhost/blogs works just fine.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I am using linux machine as opposed to my mac? Or, perhaps it is that my testing app lives on a remote server in my network? I looked at the method that generates this error. It is parse_error, line 95 of events.rb.

Resources already looked at:

I have tried tweaking the rails s command above with a number of different small changes:

  • changed IP from to
  • do not specify the -p 443 option
  • specify the actual, internal IP address instead of (this is being served on an internal network)

I have also tried deleting my browsing history, and tried accessing the site from multiple browsers.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!


  • Here is the solution that finally worked for me:

    First I had to create a puma config file with the ssl_bind directive:

    # /<path_to_app>/puma/development.rb
    ssl_bind '', '9292', {
       cert: ‘/etc/puma_test.key',
       key: ‘/etc/zzz_puma_test.crt'

    Then I had to boot up the server with puma as opposed to rails s. For whatever reason, I just could not get rails s to work. In the command to boot up puma, I had to make sure to specify -C and the path to the puma config file:

    rvmsudo puma -b 'ssl://' -C /<path_to_app>/puma/development.rb