When I do a really simple inverse laplace transform with Sympy, I got a huge equation back.
For example:
from sympy import *
s = symbols ('s')
t = symbols ('t', positive=True) # Just to remove the Heaviside(t) equations
k, m = symbols ('k m', const=True)
A = Matrix([[0, 1], [-k/m, 0]])
I = eye(2) # Diagonalmatrix
Fi = inverse_laplace_transform((s*I-A).inv(), s, t)
Now a get an enormous huge equation from Fi
. Why? Is something wrong with inverse_laplace_transform()
function from Sympy?
Inverse lapace transform is used to turn transfer functiuons into discrete form instead of time continuous.
Instead of using inverse laplace transform, we can use this code instead, where h
is the sample time. Image that we have a transfer function G(s), and you want to find the discrete equivalent model of G(s). Find the state space model of G(s) and then run this Octave/MATLAB code:
% Compute sizes
a1 = size(A,2) + size(B,2) - size(A,1);
b1 = size(A,2);
a2 = size(A,2) + size(B,2) - size(B,1);
b2 = size(B,2);
% Compute square matrix
M = [A B; zeros(a1, b1) zeros(a2, b2)];
M = expm(M*h);
% Find the discrete matrecies
Ad = M(1:size(A,1), 1:size(A,2));
Bd = M(1:size(B,1), (size(A,2) + 1):(size(A,2) + size(B,2)));
Code source: https://github.com/DanielMartensson/Matavecontrol/blob/master/sourcecode/c2d.m