I am trying to produce an interactive treemap in R using the highcharter-package (I love the package btw). It shall look like this (I don't even need the different levels)
Sample code:
df <- data.frame(name = c("john", "jane", "herbert", "peter"),
bananas = c(10, 14, 6, 3))
group_vars = "name",
size_var = "bananas")
I don't want the boxes to have gradient colors, but distinct, say red, yellow, green and blue. I'm getting better in understanding the highcharts-API and "translate" it to R-Code, but this really gives me a hard time.
I already found a work-arround, but I am looking for a better solution, as hc_add_series_treemap is deprecated.
p <- treemap(df,
highchart() %>%
layoutAlgorithm = "squarified")
So thanks for your help :)
After spending an entire morning (I need this at my job) without finding a solution, coming to the end of finally posting this question here, only 10 minutes after asking it, I found a solution myself, trying something that just popped up in my head ^^
So here it goes:
group_vars = "name",
size_var = "bananas") %>%
hc_plotOptions(treemap = list(colorByPoint = TRUE)) %>% #allows points in the same serie to have different colors
hc_colors(c("#FFFF00", "#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#00AA00")) %>% #with this we can set the colors, note: 1st color is given to first row in the data frame (not necessarily the biggest box)
hc_colorAxis(dataClasses = color_classes(df$name)) %>% #defines acc. to which variable, a box gets a distinct color
hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) #suppresses legend
It gives this:
We need three additional functions of the highcharter-package, but it works quite well!