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Spring Boot war favicon not showing/resolved

I have the problem that my favicon is not showing up if I have deployed the war file. In my IDE its working.

I am using Spring Boot and packacking war. The favicon.ico is stored in the folder src/main/resources and also in src/main/resources/static like in the most pages described. In the packaged war file I also see the favicon.ico. I have linked it also on the jsp page.

Icon is not showing up. I think the problem is that the tomcat is looking in a different folder. Interesting would also why if I start from the IDE its working and if I start the war its not.

Clipping from jsp file

<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

Location of "favicon.ico", stored this icon in "src/main/resources" and also in the subfolder static.

location favicon.ico


  • I figured it out. My solution was to create a @Requestmapping for favicon.ico to present it from the webserver.

            String favicon() {
            return "forward:/myfavicon.ico";



    And of course placed the icon in the root directory of my application in the IDE.