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cowplot plot_grid scales down size of plots automatically

I am trying to render a pdf with a series of 25 plots arranged in 6 columns using cowplot's function plot_grid.

I would like these to show up the same size that they would appear if I had only one row. For some reasons though the size of plots gets smaller as I add new rows. Is there a solution that I am not aware of? Below is the code with the two outcomes. Many thanks in advance

1 row only plot_grid:

cowplot::plot_grid(plot_emmeans_N_L, plot_emmeans_N_L,
plot_emmeans_N_L,  nrow = 1, ncol=6, align = "v")

Here how it looks: enter image description here

Here is the 25 plots together in 5 rows with plot_grid:

cowplot::plot_grid(plot_emmeans_N_L, plot_emmeans_N_L,
plot_emmeans_N_L,plot_emmeans_N_L, plot_emmeans_N_L,
plot_emmeans_N_L,plot_emmeans_N_L, plot_emmeans_N_L,
plot_emmeans_N_L,plot_emmeans_N_L, plot_emmeans_N_L,
NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL, NULL, nrow = 5, ncol=6, align = "v")

This instead comes out much smaller:

enter image description here


  • Eventually my best solution was to use the patchwork library and (banally) to add the chunks options fig.height= x, fig.width= y , this being the size of all of the plots together,as posted here