I am new to EventHub and using Python scripts to send events one by one to Eventhub in my project. Is it possible to keep all the events in a file and send all of them together to EventHub?
What I am trying to achieve is that: Sending thousands of events to EventHub per second. So I can keep all the thousand events/messages in one file and send them in single go.
Please suggest ways to achieve this.
Here is the code which you can use to send events in batch
#!/usr/bin/env python
An example to show batch sending events to an Event Hub.
# pylint: disable=C0111
import sys
import logging
import datetime
import time
import os
from azure.eventhub import EventHubClient, Sender, EventData
import examples
logger = examples.get_logger(logging.INFO)
# Address can be in either of these formats:
# "amqps://<URL-encoded-SAS-policy>:<URL-encoded-SAS-key>@<mynamespace>.servicebus.windows.net/myeventhub"
# "amqps://<mynamespace>.servicebus.windows.net/myeventhub"
ADDRESS = os.environ.get('EVENT_HUB_ADDRESS')
# SAS policy and key are not required if they are encoded in the URL
USER = os.environ.get('EVENT_HUB_SAS_POLICY')
KEY = os.environ.get('EVENT_HUB_SAS_KEY')
def data_generator():
for i in range(1500):
logger.info("Yielding message {}".format(i))
yield b"Hello world"
if not ADDRESS:
raise ValueError("No EventHubs URL supplied.")
client = EventHubClient(ADDRESS, debug=False, username=USER, password=KEY)
sender = client.add_sender(partition="1")
start_time = time.time()
data = EventData(batch=data_generator())
end_time = time.time()
run_time = end_time - start_time
logger.info("Runtime: {} seconds".format(run_time))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Hope it helps.