I have a cell matrix containing numeric values and NaN. How can I remove the NaN values and "trim" my matrix.
For example I have the following matrix:
A = { 1, 12, NaN; 1 ,4, NaN; 1 , 2 , NaN ; NaN, NaN, NaN; 1, 2, NaN };
I would like to remove the NaN and resize the matrix to have this matrix. Can it be done without loop ? (using vectorisation)
A = [ 1, 12; 1, 4; 1, 2; 1, 2];
A = { 1, 12, NaN; 1 ,4, NaN; 1 , 2 , NaN ; NaN, NaN, NaN; 1, 2, NaN };
A = cell2mat(A) ; % convert the given cell to matrix
[m,n] = size(A) ; % get size of the matrix
A(sum(isnan(A),2)==n,:) = [] ; % remove rows with all NaN's in a row
[m,n] = size(A) ; % get updated size of A
A(:,sum(isnan(A),1)==m) = [] ; % remove columns with all NaN's in a column
A = [1 12
1 4
1 2
1 2]