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How to refresh a ScatterLineSeries?

Two questions about Telerik UI Controls for UWP

In a UWP app, I have a RadCartesianChart Control. With ScatterLine and ScatterArea series. With ItemsSource set to an ObservableCollection, Contained Objects are simple objects with X and Y properties, with INotifyPropertyChanged interface, so when X or Y properties are updated, they fire events of change values. Both X and Y value bindings are set to the corresponding properties in the ScatterLineSeries

Now, I understand the source being an ObservableCollection, the chart control updates automatically when I add or delete a point to the collection, but how I Refresh the chart when I modify the values of a point?, How i ask the chart control to re-query the data sources? Below is the Data Point class.

public class DataPoint : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private decimal x;
    private ComplexDecimal y;

    public decimal X { get => x; set { x = value; PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("X")); } }
    public ComplexDecimal Y
        get => y; set
            y = value;
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Y"));
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("PhaseDegDouble"));
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("dBV"));
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("dBm"));
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("dBSPL"));
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Magnitude"));

    public double PhaseDegDouble { get => Y.PhaseDegDouble; }
    public double dBV { get => Y.TodBV; }
    public double dBSPL { get => Y.TodBSPL; }
    public double dBm { get => Y.TodBm; }
    public double Magnitude { get => Convert.ToDouble(Y.Magnitude); }


So I have a function object, with a field ObservableCollection Data I make a ScatterLineSeries.

var lineMag = new ScatterLineSeries()
ItemsSource = function.Data,
XValueBinding = new PropertyNameDataPointBinding("X"),
YValueBinding = new PropertyNameDataPointBinding("dBV"),

and add it to the Chart with

If I do:

function.Data.Add(new DataPoint(){X=30,Y=new ComplexDecimal(1,1)});

point is added. But if I do:

function.Data[0].Y = new ComplexDecimal(1,1);

chart does not update. How do I update the chart when I modify an existing DataPoint? (ComplexDecimal is just a struct for complex number using decimal type for both real and imag parts)

And a minor question beside, with ScatterArea, area fills from 0 to value, but with my data I have negative values, and so the filled area looks from the curve to the top, i would like to get the fill, from the curve to negativeInfinity. Filled area is up!! Thank you!


  • Since you code sample still is incomplete. I just made a simple code sample to test. When the Binding works on the 'RadCartesianChart' control, I then updated the 'XValue' and 'YValue' from the collection. Then, there's no problem. The chart would be updated.

    Please see my code sample:

        <telerikChart:RadCartesianChart x:Name="scatterLineSeries">
            <telerikChart:ScatterLineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding}">
                    <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="XValue"/>
                    <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="YValue"/>
        <Button Content="update" Click="Button_Click"></Button>
    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
        ObservableCollection<Data> sampleData;
        public MainPage()
            sampleData = new ObservableCollection<Data>();
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 2, YValue = 3 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 3, YValue = 4 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 4, YValue = 5 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 5, YValue = 6 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 6, YValue = 5 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 7, YValue = 4 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 8, YValue = 3 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 9, YValue = 4 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 10, YValue = 5 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 11, YValue = 4 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 12, YValue = 3 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 13, YValue = 2 });
            sampleData.Add(new Data() { XValue = 14, YValue = 1 });
            this.scatterLineSeries.DataContext = sampleData;
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            sampleData[0].XValue = 10;
            sampleData[0].YValue = 5;
    public class Data : INotifyPropertyChanged
        private double xValue;
        public double XValue
            get => xValue;
                xValue = value;
                PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this,new PropertyChangedEventArgs("XValue"));
        private double yValue;
        public double YValue
            get => yValue;
                yValue = value;
                PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this,new PropertyChangedEventArgs("YValue"));
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;