I execute repo sync
from jenkins slave.
But error occured a specific repogitory.
Cloning into 'repo_name'...
Connection to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx closed by remote host.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
When I execute it manualy(not from jenkins), repo sync was success. Above error occured only when executed by jenkins's slave.
I also try to below cmd. But it is failed same error.
git clone ssh://user@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port/path/to/reponame
I try to git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000
with reference to the following.
But it is not fixed....
The remote end hung up unexpectedly while git cloning
I add --progress
and --verbose
for investigation
git clone --progress --verbose ssh://user@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port/path/to/reponame
git clone was succeed!!
Why It is failed from jenkins's slave.
Why It is succeed when added --progress --verbose
Can I fixed it without --progress
(repo sync seems without --progress
when execute from jenkins.)
Sorry for my poor English.
According to following
When cloning a large repository over HTTP, the git server goes quiet for quite some time, busy computing a pack file. Normally, Apache is configured such that a prolonged inactivity in a socket will trigger a shutdown. So what the end user sees is that after a while, "git clone" fails by the unexpected connection reset by the server.
But, I can't configure server because server is public server. So,
If the user tries the same command from the shell, Git silently adds the --progress option (see the quote from the man page.) This keeps the socket chatty enough to avoid a shutdown from Apache.
On the other, repo can't add --progress option. I don't have any other choice so I mod script of repo. (.repo/repo/git_command.py)