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I can't get "Find personal time entry in progress" using clockify API

I will try to get those users whose time tracking start currently in clockify

and I'm trying to use the following API endpoint to get the user:

i have attached postman collection endpoint

How to get user list using this endpoint?


  • I have made custom logic for check user is currently working or not I have made a loop that checks the user is in progress or not. e.g

    public getClockifyBaseWorkerStatus(clokifyApiKey: string) {
        let headers = new HttpHeaders().set('X-Api-Key', clokifyApiKey ? clokifyApiKey : environment.clokifyApiKey);
        return this.http.get<any>(`${environment.clockifyWorkSpace}/timeEntries/inProgress`, { headers })
          .pipe(map((data) => { return data; }));

    so, in this function, I have pass different clokifyApiKey and check the status of the user is currently working or not.

    I hope this answer will help other people in the future.