When running koa I get the following warning:
deprecated Support for generators will be removed in v3
What my code does is to create a slow response. E.g. write to response every 1 second, for 30 seconds.
(new Koa()).use(function *(){
const tr = through();
setInterval(() => tr.write('blabla\n'), 1000);
setTimeout(tr.end, 30000);
this.type = 'text';
this.body = tr;
}).listen(3003, () => console.log('Listen 3003: slow response'));
curl http://localhost:3003
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 21:17:06 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Note: Messages are printed one by one.
How can I achieve the above using the v3 way?
To be clear, v3 is not out, that's just a deprecation warning that Koa is moving away from generator functions. You are not making use of yield
so it's pretty easy to convert it:
const Koa = require('koa');
const through = require('through');
(new Koa()).use((ctx) => {
const tr = through();
setInterval(() => tr.write('blabla\n'), 1000);
setTimeout(tr.end, 30000);
ctx.type = 'text';
ctx.body = tr;
}).listen(3003, () => console.log('Listen 3003: slow response'));
Replace the generator function with a regular function or arrow function, which has an argument ctx
Replace this
with ctx
Edit: Also, I believe there's a bug with this code. You're creating a new interval with every request but never clearing them. I think this would be considered a memory leak.
You should probably do something more like this:
const Koa = require('koa');
const through = require('through');
(new Koa()).use((ctx) => {
const tr = through();
let intervalId = setInterval(() => tr.write('blabla\n'), 1000);
setTimeout(end(intervalId, tr), 30000);
ctx.type = 'text';
ctx.body = tr;
}).listen(3003, () => console.log('Listen 3003: slow response'));
function end(intervalId, tr) {
return () => {