Using GtkAda, I'm trying to use the resource API to include the Glade file directly inside my code.
For this, we can generate C code from a set of resources using glib-compile-resources which can then be linked to the Ada code.
The problem is that this C code requires Gtk includes which we usually get from the pkg-config command under Linux such as
gcc -c -x c `pkg-config --cflags gio-2.0` myglade.gresource.c
I'd like to know how to provide the same kind of information in a GPRBuild project file.
FYI, I already tried to use the pkg-config command inside the compiler package for C language without any success. Of course, I managed to build by hand but that's a bit long :)
This might work for you:
project Config_Demo is
Pkg_Config := external_as_list ("PKG_CONFIG", " ");
package Compiler is
-- only this file needs the extra switches
for Switches ("myglade.gresource.c") use Pkg_Config;
end Compiler;
end Config_Demo;
and then
gprbuild -P config_demo -XPKG_CONFIG="`pkg-config -cflags gio-2.0`"