Let's say I have a file like so:
1 10 20 30 40 50
foofoofoo1111111111bblah moreblahblblahblah
foofoofoo2 foofoo stuffhere
I want to return all rows where positions 11-20 and 31-40 are blank. I can identify them using cut:
cut -b 11-20,31-40 < source.txt
That returns the characters in those positions.
The second row (ignoring the rows of ===) is all blanks. I want to redirect the entire row where those characters are blank/spaces (so the second row here) to a new file. I can't figure out how to combine cut and grep to do this. Surely this has to possible, but I can't work it out.
Something like this? Using awk:
$ awk 'substr($0,11,10) substr($0,31,10)~/^ *$/' file
foofoofoo2 foofoo stuffhere
$ awk '
substr($0,11,10) substr($0,31,10)~/^ *$/ # positions 11-20 and 31-40 are all space
' file
Using grep
$ grep "^.\{10\} \{10\}.\{10\} \{10\}" file
From the start (^
) there are 10 any chars (.\{10\}
) then 10 spaces (\{10\}
) and repeat.
Shorter version of the grep
$ grep "^\(.\{10\} \{10\}\)\{2\}" file