My images folder deletes itself after first knitting of the document.
I've tried self_contained = TRUE in the YAML header, doesn't work.
(I'm not sure if this makes a difference but Shiny is embedded in the dashboard)
Below is my code :
title : app demo
author : yeshipants
output :
orientation: rows
self_contained : TRUE
source_code: embed
runtime: shiny
```{r setup}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = FALSE)
```{r loadPackages, cache = TRUE}
Column {.sidebar data-width=350}
### Input & Parameters
```{r inputImages, cache = TRUE}
label = "Choose an image to process",
choices = c("Language example 1",
"Language example 2",
"Jounal example"),
selected = "Language example 1")
Row {.tabset}
### Original Image
```{r displayImage, cache = FALSE}
if (input$imagesToChoose == "Language example 1"){
list(src = "images/receipt.png", height = 240, width = 300)
else if(input$imagesToChoose == "Language example 2"){
list(src = "images/french.JPG", height = 240, width = 300)
else if(input$imagesToChoose == "Jounal example"){
list(src = "images/journal.jpg", height = 240, width = 300)
I think you have to do:
}, deleteFile = FALSE)