Here is the process I would like to use to create a new feature in a git rep
Unfortunately, the 3) step is very annoying to do with SourceTree. The branch develop has already been checkout, therefore when I double-click, on the last commit (that is the end of two branches : develop / newFeature) it automatically checks out develop and does not ask me if I want to checkout the newFeature branch Here is an example of commit that cause pb: double clicking on it only checks out develop
I had to replace 3) by
3a) Delete develop locally
3b) Double click on the commit, because none of the two branches are checkout, SourceTree asks me which one to choose, I get the newFeature one
3c) After my first commit on the newFeature branch, I can checkout develop again because they do not share the same end anymore
I am sure there is something cleaner, is there a special tool that I do not know about ?
I found the solution of this, to checkout a specific branch on a commit with two tags you need
If the branch has not been checked out locally: Go on your remote (left Pane) and double click on the branch you want to checkout locally
If the branch has already been checked out : Go on the Branches (left Pane) and double click on the branch