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Dagger 2 Injector and Binds IntoMap with IntKey

I'm using Dagger 2 Android injector to inject my Activities and Fragments.

I have a generic RecyclerView Adapter and keeping ViewHolderFactories and Binders in a Map.

Here's my adapter:

class CorePresentationModule {

    fun provideDisplayItemComperator(): DisplayItemComperator = DefaultDisplayItemComperator()

    companion object {
        fun provideRecyclerAdapter(
            itemComparator: DisplayItemComperator,
            factoryMap: Map<Int, @JvmSuppressWildcards ViewHolderFactory>,
            binderMap: Map<Int, @JvmSuppressWildcards ViewHolderBinder>,
            androidPreconditions: AndroidPreconditions
        ): RecyclerViewAdapter {
            return RecyclerViewAdapter(
                itemComperator = itemComparator,
                viewHolderFactoryMap = factoryMap,
                viewBinderFactoryMap = binderMap,
                androidPreconditions = androidPreconditions

I crate a presentation module for my Fragment like the following:

abstract class MessagesPresentationModule {

    internal abstract fun provideMessagesViewModelFactory(factory: MessagesViewHolder.MessageViewHolderFactory): ViewHolderFactory

    internal abstract fun provideMessagesViewHolderBinder(binder: MessagesViewHolder.MessagesViewHolderBinder): ViewHolderBinder


In another fragment i inject my adapter again and create another module for my screen:

abstract class LinksPresentationModule {

    internal abstract fun provideLinksViewModelFactory(factory: LinksViewHolder.LinksViewHolderFactory): ViewHolderFactory

    internal abstract fun provideLinksViewHolderBinder(binder: LinksViewHolder.LinksViewHolderBinder): ViewHolderBinder


When MESSAGE and LINK is 0 i get a compile error

The same map key is bound more than once for ViewHolderFactory

What's is the best solution to get avoid this execpt putting all IntKeys in a constants class with ordered and incremented?



  • After long research in my code, I found the missing point. I provide my presentation modules in Application component so it generates only one Map for each type and gets this duplicate MapKey error.

    The same map key is bound more than once for ViewHolderFactory

    I found this useful article in Medium. I realised that created my modules for Application Scope. So SubComponents for my presentation modules does not get generated and Dagger creates only one Map for factory classes. I redesigned my Dagger implementation for my presentation modules to keep them FragmentScoped as it should be like the following code.

    abstract class MessagesFragmentModule {
        @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = [MessagesPresentationModule::class]
        abstract fun contributeMessagesFragment(): MessagesFragment
    abstract class LinksFragmentModule {
        @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = [LinksPresentationModule::class]
        abstract fun provideLinksFragment(): LinksFragment

    And here's ActivityModule

    internal abstract class ActivityModule {
            modules = [MessagesFragmentModule::class,
        abstract fun provideMainActivityContributor(): MainActivity