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Unable to make a list of pointers to a custom type

So, I have been trying to make a list of pointers to a class I have in my project(GameObject). I have tried to do this using GameObject**, list and vector. However, each one of these creates a lot of errors. Here are the relevant files:

#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include "GameObject.h"
#include <vector>

#define TITLE "Belty McBelth"
#define WIDTH 1280
#define HEIGHT 720

extern sf::RenderWindow window;
extern sf::Font font;
extern sf::Event ev;
extern sf::Texture playerTex;
extern sf::Sprite playerSprite;
extern sf::Texture tieTex;
extern sf::Sprite tieSprite;
extern std::vector<GameObject *> ObjectList;

extern sf::Clock deltaClock; //A clock that measures the deltaTime(time 
since last frame) in seconds
extern float deltaTime; //Time since last frame in seconds

int setup();
void CleanUp();
void Exit();
void CenterOrigin(sf::Sprite & t);

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include "GameObject.h"
#include <vector>

std::vector<GameObject*> ObjectList;
sf::RenderWindow window;
sf::Font font;
sf::Event ev;
sf::Texture playerTex;
sf::Sprite playerSprite;
sf::Texture tieTex;
sf::Sprite tieSprite;
sf::Clock deltaClock; //A clock that measures the deltaTime(time since last 
frame) in seconds
float deltaTime; //Time since last frame in seconds

#include "Globals.h"

int setup()
    window.create(sf::VideoMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT), "Belty McBelth", 
    if (!font.loadFromFile("../comic.ttf"))return 1;
    if (!playerTex.loadFromFile("../PLAYER.png"))return 1;
    playerSprite = sf::Sprite(playerTex);
    std::cout << "Setup completed without errors \n";
    return 0;

void CenterOrigin(sf::Sprite & t)
    sf::FloatRect d = t.getLocalBounds();
    t.setOrigin(d.width / 2, d.height / 2);

void CleanUp()
    for (GameObject* g : ObjectList)delete g;

void Exit()

#pragma once
#include "Globals.h"

enum ID
    player, tie, powerup

class GameObject
    const char * name;
    const ID id;
    sf::Sprite sprite;
    sf::Vector2f position;

    GameObject(const char* n, ID i, sf::Sprite spr, sf::Vector2f pos) 
  :name(n), id(i), sprite(spr), position(pos) {}
    virtual void Update();
    virtual void Draw() const;
    virtual void Draw(sf::Shader&)const;
    const char* getName() const;
    const ID getID() const;
    sf::Vector2f getPosition() const;

    void ChangeTexture(sf::Texture&);
    void SetPosition(const sf::Vector2f);
    void Move(float, float);
    void Move(const sf::Vector2f);

    template<typename T> static GameObject* Instantiate(const char* n, ID i, 
sf::Sprite spr, sf::Vector2f pos);

template<typename T>
inline GameObject * GameObject::Instantiate(const char* n, ID i, sf::Sprite 
spr, sf::Vector2f pos)
    GameObject* obj = new T();
    obj->name = n;
    obj->id = i;
    obj->sprite = spr;
    obj->position = pos;
    return obj;

#include "GameObject.h"

void GameObject::Update()

void GameObject::Draw() const

void GameObject::Draw(sf::Shader& s) const
    window.draw(sprite, &s);

const char * GameObject::getName() const
    return name;

const ID GameObject::getID() const
    return id;

sf::Vector2f GameObject::getPosition() const
    return position;

void GameObject::ChangeTexture(sf::Texture & t)

void GameObject::SetPosition(const sf::Vector2f p)
    position = p;

void GameObject::Move(float xOff, float yOff)
    position.x += xOff;
    position.y += yOff;

void GameObject::Move(sf::Vector2f v)
    position += v;

Pre build, Visual Studio doesn't recognise any errors, however when I try to build the project, I get a lot of build errors. After reading the microsoft pages for these errors, I am unable to find why these errors are occuring.

Build Error Window


  • I think you have a circular include dependency between Globals.h and GameObject.h. I would advise you to only forward declare GameObject in Globals.h and not include the GameObject.h. You can do that because you only use GameObject as a pointer. See more here circular dependency


    //#include "GameObject.h"
    class GameObject;
    std::vector<GameObject*> ObjectList;


    #include "Globals.h"
    class GameObject{...};