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How to do get my async database connection to close?

Hi I am trying to execute a node.js function that opens a database connection, executes a query and then closes.

Everything works fine up until the point where I need the connection to close. I am assuming something is wrong with my syntax but I can't figure it out.

Here's the code:

async function databaseConnection() {
    const mysql = require('mysql2/promise');

    var connection = await mysql.createConnection({
        ,   user:'*******' 
        ,   password:'*******' 
        ,   database:'*******' 

    var q = 'SELECT ******* AS sha1 FROM ******* limit 10';

    await connection.execute(q, function(err, rows, fields) {
            console.log("An error ocurred performing the query." + err);
            console.log("Query succesfully executed: ");
            rows.forEach( (row) => {
                console.log('sha1 from db row: ' + row.sha1);
    await connection.end(); 



  • Nik Kyriakides made a good point about mixing async/await with callbacks which solved my problem. I'll paste it here to answer the question:

    I don't know about your connection end issues but this line looks wrong: await connection.execute(q, function(err, rows, fields). You're mixing async/await and error-first callbacks. Use one or the other. You probably want to do something like: const rows = await connection.execute(q). – Nik Kyriakides 57 mins ago