I want to reroute the index /
to /blog
in a gatsby project. The page at /blog
route is generated inside gatsby-node.js
What I tried is importing Redirect
from @reach-router
and inside the Index
component returning Redirect to='/blog'
but this results in Uncaught RedirectRequest
The index.js
import React from 'react'
import { Redirect } from '@reach/router'
class BlogIndex extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Redirect to={`/blog`} />
export default BlogIndex
From @reach/router docs:
Redirect works with componentDidCatch to prevent the tree from rendering and starts over with a new location.
Because React doesn’t swallow the error this might bother you. For example, a redirect will trigger Create React App’s error overlay. In production, everything is fine. If it bothers you, add noThrow and Redirect will do redirect without using componentDidCatch.
Add a noThrow
tag seems to solve this:
<Redirect noThrow to="/topath" />
You could also ask Gatsby to do this for you, in gatsby-node.js
exports.createPages = ({ actions }) => {
const { createRedirect } = actions
fromPath: `/`,
toPath: `/topath`,
redirectInBrowser: true,
isPermanent: true,
See more here.
I'd add this redirect rule to where the site is hosted as well.