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What is the purpose of using autoWebview capability in Appium especially for iOS (with webviews)?

I'm automating an iOS app which is a mix of native and webview part, the problem is whenever I'm switching from native part to webview part I have to do a manual context switch from native to webview using driver.set_context("WEB_VIEW1"). Currently appium is creating problem if we I'm setting autoWebview to true. My question is does autowebview handle the manual context switch part in iOS?


  • If you are testing Hybrid Apps, which are basically 100% webview, it can be inconvenient to remember to switch to using the Webview Context before every test. Sending the autoWebview capability tells appium to automatically switch to the WEBVIEW_CONTEXT as soon as the test starts. Appium also adds some additional logic for waiting until the webview has loaded, which can be a common source of errors.

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