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PHP exec() and spaces in paths

I'm executing the following in a PHP application:

  $source = '/home/user/file.ext';
  $output_dir = $this->setOutputString();

  exec('php bin/createjob.php $source $output_dir', $output);

  return $output[0];

The problem is this: I have control over $source, but not $output_dir, which is a legacy Windows filesystem, and there are spaces in the path. An example $output_dir is:

/home/vol1/district id/store id/this_is_the_file.html

When inserting the output string into the exec() function, I have tried both:

addslashes($output_dir) and '"' . $output_dir . '"' to escape the entire output string. In the first case, the path gets concatenated to:


... where everything between the first space and the filename gets dropped. In the second case, exec() appears to throw a shoe and doesn't execute properly - unfortunately, the error message is getting lost in the machinery - I can provide it if it's absolutely necessary, but I'm also under time constraints to find a solution.

What's the solution, here? Do I sprintf() the entire string for exec()? I'm very confused as to why addslashes isn't working correctly to escape the spaces, and I assume it has something to do with sanitization with exec(), but I can't find any documentation to back it up.

Update: I've tried escapeshellarg() and preg_replace() without success. Thinking about this further, do I need to double-escape the path? Or escape the path and the command? If the path is being unescaped once by exec(), and once by PHP before it executes the command, does it stand to reason that I need to account for both escapes? Or is that not how it works?


  • According to the PHP docs,

    Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need to be quoted in database queries etc. These characters are single quote ('), double quote ("), backslash () and NUL (the NULL byte).

    Looks like you'll have to preg_replace the spaces yourself.


    Even though this is the topic of another discussion, if performance is an issue, then after looking into it a little more, it seems that str_replace is actually quite a bit faster than preg_replace:

    The test labeled "str_replace()" was the faster by 0.9053 seconds (it took 10.3% the time.)

    The first test took 1.0093 seconds. (preg_replace)

    The second test took 0.104 seconds. (str_replace)

    Benchmark found here.