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How to perform conditional validation in html Angular form

I have a form where I want to implement the MAXLENGTH validation only if the value is not equal to 0.

So if parameter.valueMaxlength === 0 { then dont execute maxlength validation } Is there a way to write this logic in the html file.

 <mat-form-field *ngSwitchCase="'TEXTBOX'" class="example-full-width">
    [maxlength] = "parameter.valueMaxlength"



  • Try the following by using a ternary operator with [attr.maxlength]:

        [attr.maxlength]="parameter.valueMaxlength === 0 ? null : parameter.valueMaxlength" 

    maxLength will not render if what's passed is equal to 0, otherwise it will render with a value equal to what's passed in.

    Here is an example in action.

    Hopefully that helps!