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Is there a simple way to use a Stata .do script to import fixed width data into R?

I have a Stata .do script file that is used to import data from a fixed width TXT file. Here is what the .do file looks like:

#delimit ;

   Label           : CDS 2014 ID Map
   Rows            : 4353
   Columns         : 7
   ASCII File Date : December 11, 2017

      CHLDID14        1 - 5         CHLDSN14        6 - 7         PCGID14         8 - 12   
      PCGSN14        13 - 14        CDSHID14       15 - 18        CHLDINST14     19 - 20   
      PCGINST14      21 - 22   
using [path]\IDMAP14.txt, clear 
label variable  CHLDID14     "CHILD 2013 PSID FAMILY IW (ID) NUMBER" ;           
label variable  CHLDSN14     "CHILD 2013 INDIVIDUAL SEQUENCE NUMBER" ;           
label variable  PCGID14      "PCG 2013 PSID FAMILY IW (ID) NUMBER" ;             
label variable  PCGSN14      "PCG 2013 INDIVIDUAL SEQUENCE NUMBER" ;             
label variable  CDSHID14     "CDS 2014 HOUSEHOLD INTERVIEW NUMBER" ;             
label variable  CHLDINST14   "CDS 2014 HH ROSTER CHILD SEQUENCE NUM" ;           
label variable  PCGINST14    "CDS 2014 HH ROSTER PCG SEQUENCE NUM" ;             

Is there a quick way to use this .do file to import the data into R automatically? Or do I have to adapt the script manually, using the column ranges?

I'm asking because I only have access to R (not Stata), but the Stata .do file seems to be the easiest shortcut to import the data properly into R.


Link to files: Fixed-width text file and Stata .do script


  • Here's a stab, but since we don't have a file with which to verify, you're on your own for that. There are likely many assumptions I've made with this format that need to verified, namely:

    • we find column definitions between a line with a literal infix and literal using
    • each column definition is precisely columnname from hyphen to, with spaces (even if a single character, this would be somename 5 - 5)
    • the filename immediately follows the literal using; a trailing comma might be followed by clear or other non-comma characters, not part of the filename
    do2fwf <- function(txt) {
      infix <- grep("^infix\\s*", txt) 
      if (length(infix) != 1L) stop("need exactly one 'infix' line")
      using <- grep("^\\s*using\\b", txt)
      if (length(using) != 1L) stop("need exactly one 'using' line")
      if (using < infix) stop("'infix' must occur before 'using'")
      hdrtxt <- txt[ (infix+1):(using-1) ]
      # "      CHLDID14        1 - 5         CHLDSN14        6 - 7         PCGID14         8 - 12   "
      re <- gregexpr("\\S+", hdrtxt)
      m <- regmatches(hdrtxt, re)
      # [[1]]
      #  [1] "CHLDID14" "1"        "-"        "5"        "CHLDSN14" "6"        "-"        "7"        "PCGID14"  "8"       
      # [11] "-"        "12"      
      if (!all(lengths(m) %% 4 == 0))
        stop("not all variables are the right format of 'name i - j'")
      if (any(lengths(m) == 0)) {
        warning("found empty lines, confusing")
        m <- Filter(length, m)
      # need to convert 4x lists into 1x lists
      m2 <-"c", mapply(split, m, lapply(lengths(m), function(a) (1:a-1) %/% 4)))
      nms <- sapply(m2, `[[`, 1)
      froms <- as.integer(sapply(m2, `[[`, 2))
      tos <- as.integer(sapply(m2, `[[`, 4))
      widths <- tos - froms + 1
      filename <- gsub("^\\s*using\\s*", "", txt[using])
      # this works here, but I don't know if it is generic and rule-following
      filename <- gsub("\\s*,[^,]*$", "", filename)
      list(filename = filename, names = nms, widths = widths)
      # x <- read.fwf(filename, widths=widths, ...) # header=FALSE???
      # colnames(x) <- names

    If you use the data at the bottom (which should really just be txt <- readLines(""), you'll get this:

    # $filename
    # [1] "[path]\\IDMAP14.txt"
    # $names
    #            0            1            2            0            1            2            0 
    #   "CHLDID14"   "CHLDSN14"    "PCGID14"    "PCGSN14"   "CDSHID14" "CHLDINST14"  "PCGINST14" 
    # $widths
    # [1] 5 2 5 2 4 2 2

    Which you can use (per the comments) on your own. I don't know about a header row or other arguments you might need for read.fwf. Good luck!


    txt <- readLines(textConnection('**************************************************************************
       Label           : CDS 2014 ID Map
       Rows            : 4353
       Columns         : 7
       ASCII File Date : December 11, 2017
          CHLDID14        1 - 5         CHLDSN14        6 - 7         PCGID14         8 - 12   
          PCGSN14        13 - 14        CDSHID14       15 - 18        CHLDINST14     19 - 20   
          PCGINST14      21 - 22   
    using [path]\\IDMAP14.txt, clear 
    label variable  CHLDID14     "CHILD 2013 PSID FAMILY IW (ID) NUMBER" ;           
    label variable  CHLDSN14     "CHILD 2013 INDIVIDUAL SEQUENCE NUMBER" ;           
    label variable  PCGID14      "PCG 2013 PSID FAMILY IW (ID) NUMBER" ;             
    label variable  PCGSN14      "PCG 2013 INDIVIDUAL SEQUENCE NUMBER" ;             
    label variable  CDSHID14     "CDS 2014 HOUSEHOLD INTERVIEW NUMBER" ;             
    label variable  CHLDINST14   "CDS 2014 HH ROSTER CHILD SEQUENCE NUM" ;           
    label variable  PCGINST14    "CDS 2014 HH ROSTER PCG SEQUENCE NUM" ;             '))