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Load a Pyramid App with Gunicorn in a different path than /

I have a Pyramid application that I am loading with Gunicorn. My ini file has the following:

use = egg:my_example
use = egg:gunicorn
host = localhost
port = 5900
workers = 1
worker_class = gevent

I start Gunicorn witn:

gunicorn --paste ./development.ini

So my application is available at

What do I need to to do so my application is available in other path rather than / ,for example at

I saw the following posts: pyramid pserve in different root path than / and Pyramid: how to set SCRIPT_NAME in request.environ but I'm still not able to do it


  • Rutter is the right answer if you want all the incoming urls to just remove the prefix from them (for example, navigates to the /foo/bar route in your app). This seems to be what you're describing and the ini snippet in should be sufficient. Rutter will also prepare the environment correctly so that your app will generate the correct urls with the /my_example prefix when using request.route_path and request.route_url.