My table, when compiled for go, ends up using GetByte and PrependByteSlot instead of the Bool alternative (GetBool, PrependBoolSlot).
Is there anything I can do to change that? If not, where can I find confirmation that the byte will be equal to 0 or 1 (false/true)?
Here's a table showing this exact behaviour:
table BooleanContent {
value:bool = false;
Here's the generated file:
// Code generated by the FlatBuffers compiler. DO NOT EDIT.
package GatewayProtocol
import (
flatbuffers ""
type BooleanContent struct {
_tab flatbuffers.Table
func GetRootAsBooleanContent(buf []byte, offset flatbuffers.UOffsetT) *BooleanContent {
n := flatbuffers.GetUOffsetT(buf[offset:])
x := &BooleanContent{}
x.Init(buf, n+offset)
return x
func (rcv *BooleanContent) Init(buf []byte, i flatbuffers.UOffsetT) {
rcv._tab.Bytes = buf
rcv._tab.Pos = i
func (rcv *BooleanContent) Table() flatbuffers.Table {
return rcv._tab
func (rcv *BooleanContent) Value() byte {
o := flatbuffers.UOffsetT(rcv._tab.Offset(4))
if o != 0 {
return rcv._tab.GetByte(o + rcv._tab.Pos)
return 0
func (rcv *BooleanContent) MutateValue(n byte) bool {
return rcv._tab.MutateByteSlot(4, n)
func BooleanContentStart(builder *flatbuffers.Builder) {
func BooleanContentAddValue(builder *flatbuffers.Builder, value byte) {
builder.PrependByteSlot(0, value, 0)
func BooleanContentEnd(builder *flatbuffers.Builder) flatbuffers.UOffsetT {
return builder.EndObject()
Booleans are certainly stored as a byte in the FlatBuffers binary format, but there is no reason it can't convert it to boolean upon access, as happens in other languages.
So this may well be a bug in Go code generator, I'd file an issue on github, tagged by [Go].