I've been trying to get this for a while now, but there's no way I can get it running after the first file save.
Whenever I start gulp and make any changes on a html
file, it reloads the page correctly, but after that first save, it just won't do it, even tho the html
file has been saved to public
I have updated to Gulp v4, and I was trying to add the gulp.series
and gulp.parallel
, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. If anyone can see any mistake in the code... (only on the generateHtml for now, if we can get it work, I guess I can make them run also).
var gulp = require("gulp"),
browser = require("browser-sync").create(),
less = require("gulp-less"),
autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
clean = require('gulp-rimraf'),
gulpCopy = require('gulp-copy');
//Sincronización de pantallas
gulp.task('browser-sync', () => {
server: {
baseDir: './public'
notify: {
styles: {
top: 'auto',
bottom: '0'
injectChanges: true
//Refrescar pantalla
gulp.task('re-loaded', function() {
gulp.task('watch', () => {
gulp.watch('src/js/*.js', gulp.series('cleanJs', 'generateJs', 're-loaded'));
gulp.watch('src/css/*.less', gulp.series('cleanCss', 'less', 're-loaded'));
gulp.watch('src/**/*.html', gulp.series('cleanHtml', gulp.parallel('generateHtml', 're-loaded')));
gulp.watch('src/img/**/**.*', gulp.series('cleanImg', 'copy', 're-loaded'));
gulp.watch('src/libs/**/**.*', gulp.series('cleanLibs', 'copy', 're-loaded'));
gulp.watch('src/fonts/**.*', gulp.series('cleanFonts', 'copy', 're-loaded'));
//Generar nuevo HTML en public
gulp.task('generateHtml', () => {
//Actualización de las funciones JS cuando guardemos
gulp.task('generateJs', () => {
//Actualización de los estilos CSS cuando guardemos
gulp.task('less', () => {
// pretty: true
.pipe(autoprefixer('last 2 versions'))
//Copiar a public
gulp.task('copy', () => {
return gulp
.src(['src/fonts/**/**.*', 'src/img/**/**.*', 'src/libs/**/**.*'])
.pipe(gulpCopy('./public/', {prefix: 1} ));
//Borrar imágenes de public
gulp.task('cleanImg', () => {
return gulp.src("./public/img/**/**.*", { read: false }).pipe(clean());
//Borrar librerías de public
gulp.task('cleanLibs', () => {
return gulp.src("./public/libs/**/**.*", { read: false }).pipe(clean());
//Borrar fuentes de public
gulp.task('cleanFonts', () => {
return gulp.src("./public/fonts/**/**.*", { read: false }).pipe(clean());
//Borrar JS de public
gulp.task('cleanJs', () => {
return gulp.src("./public/js/*", { read: false }).pipe(clean());
//Borrar CSS de public
gulp.task('cleanCss', () => {
return gulp.src("./public/css/*.css", { read: false }).pipe(clean());
//Borar HTML de public
gulp.task('cleanHtml', () => {
return gulp
.src("./public/*.html", { read: false })
gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel('generateHtml', 'generateJs', 'less', 'browser-sync', 'watch', 'copy'));
This task probably never finishes:
//Refrescar pantalla
gulp.task('re-loaded', function() {
change to:
//Refrescar pantalla
gulp.task('re-loaded', function(done) {
//Refrescar pantalla
gulp.task('re-loaded', () => {
[Actually, upon second thought, this second option probably would not work because it would not be returning a stream. I doubt browserSync.reload() returns a stream or promise so returning its result would not be helpful. Hopefully, the callback method - the first option above - does work.]