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Why row is visible to several sessions when selected FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED?

Assume there are two tables TST_SAMPLE (10000 rows) and TST_SAMPLE_STATUS (empty).

I want to iterate over each record in TST_SAMPLE and add exactly one record to TST_SAMPLE_STATUS accordingly.

In a single thread that would be simply this:

  for r in (select * from TST_SAMPLE)

    insert into TST_SAMPLE_STATUS(rec_id, rec_status)
    values (r.rec_id, 'TOUCHED');

  end loop;


In a multithreaded solution there's a situation, which is not clear to me. So could you explain what causes processing one row of TST_SAMPLE several times.

Please, see details below.

create table TST_SAMPLE(
  rec_id       number(10) primary key 

create table TST_SAMPLE_STATUS(
  rec_id       number(10),
  rec_status   varchar2(10),
  session_id   varchar2(100)

  insert into TST_SAMPLE(rec_id)
  select LEVEL from dual connect by LEVEL <= 10000;


CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE tst_touch_recs(pi_limit int) is
  v_last_iter_count int;


     v_last_iter_count := 0;

     for r in (select *
                 from TST_SAMPLE A
                where rownum < pi_limit
                  and NOT EXISTS (select null
                                    from TST_SAMPLE_STATUS B
                                   where B.rec_id = A.rec_id)
                  FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED)

        insert into TST_SAMPLE_STATUS(rec_id, rec_status, session_id)
        values (r.rec_id, 'TOUCHED', SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SID'));

        v_last_iter_count := v_last_iter_count + 1;
     end loop;


     exit when v_last_iter_count = 0;

   end loop;

In the FOR-LOOP I try to iterate over rows that: - has no status (NOT EXISTS clause) - is not currently locked in another thread (FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED)

There's no requirement for the exact amount of rows in an iteration. Here pi_limit is just a maximal size of one batch. The only thing needed is to process each row of TST_SAMPLE in exactly one session.

So let's run this procedure in 3 threads.

 v_job_id number;

  dbms_job.submit(v_job_id, 'begin tst_touch_recs(100); end;', sysdate);
  dbms_job.submit(v_job_id, 'begin tst_touch_recs(100); end;', sysdate);
  dbms_job.submit(v_job_id, 'begin tst_touch_recs(100); end;', sysdate);


Unexpectedly, we see that some rows were processed in several sessions

select count(unique rec_id) AS unique_count,
       count(rec_id)        AS total_count

| unique_count | total_count |
|        10000 |       17397 |

-- run to see duplicates
select * 
 where REC_ID in (
                    select REC_ID 
                      from TST_SAMPLE_STATUS
                     group by REC_ID
                    having count(*) > 1
 order by REC_ID;

Please, help to recognize mistakes in implementation of procedure tst_touch_recs.


  • Here's a little example that shows why you're reading rows twice.

    Run the following code in two sessions, starting the second a few seconds after the first:

      cursor c is 
        select a.*
         from TST_SAMPLE A
        where rownum < 10
          and NOT EXISTS (select null
                            from TST_SAMPLE_STATUS B
                           where B.rec_id = A.rec_id)
      type rec is table of c%rowtype index by pls_integer;
      rws rec;
      open c; -- data are read consistent to this time
      dbms_lock.sleep ( 10 );
      fetch c 
      bulk  collect 
      into  rws;
      for i in 1 .. rws.count loop
        dbms_output.put_line ( rws(i).rec_id );
      end loop;

    You should see both sessions display the same rows.


    Because Oracle Database has statement-level consistency, the result set for both is frozen when you open the cursor.

    But when you have SKIP LOCKED, the FOR UPDATE locking only kicks in when you fetch the rows.

    So session 1 starts and finds the first 9 rows not in TST_SAMPLE_STATUS. It then waits 10 seconds.

    Provided you start session 2 within these 10 seconds, the cursor will look for the same nine rows.

    At this point no rows are locked.

    Now, here's where it gets interesting.

    The sleep in the first session will finish. It'll then fetch the rows, locking them and skipping any that are already locked.

    Very shortly after, it'll commit. Releasing the lock.

    A few moments later, session 2 comes to read these rows. At this point the rows are not locked!

    So there's nothing to skip.

    How exactly you solve this depends on what you're trying to do.

    Assuming you can't move to a set-based approach, you could make the transactions serializable by adding:

    set transaction isolation level serializable;

    before the cursor loop. This will then move to transaction-level consistency. Enabling the database to detect "something changed" when fetching rows.

    But you'll need to catch ORA-08177: can't serialize access for this transaction errors in your within the outer loop. Or any process that re-reads the same rows will drop out at this point.

    Or, as commenters have suggested used Advanced Queueing.