I am trying to create a trigger that does the following:
My current code does item 1 successfully, but when I added new code to complete item 2, I received the following error:
Line: 6, Column: 1
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error:
CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, newAccountCreated: execution of
AfterInsert caused by: System.FinalException: Record is read-only
Trigger.newAccountCreated: line 12, column 1: []
My current trigger is as follows:
trigger newAccountCreated on Account (after insert) {
List<Account> alist = Trigger.New;
for(Account a : alist) {
if (a.RecordTypeId == '012i0000001Iy1H') {
// system.debug(a.Name);
Portal_Content__c p = new Portal_Content__c(Name=a.Name,School_SFDC_ID__c=a.Id);
insert p;
a.Portal_Content_Record__c = p.Id;
update a;
I do not understand why the the error message states that the "Record is read only," or how to amend this error.
You cannot update the same record on an 'after' trigger, it must be done on a before trigger; change to:
trigger newAccountCreated on Account (before insert) {