Is it possible to make SFML 1.6 handle end of music by itself? Currently I have this:
//in music.cpp
//in main.cpp
//on every frame check for end of music
if(music.getStatus() == Sound::Stopped)
Isn't there a way in SFML to just say, "Play until music stopped, then load the next," without implementing this yourself? Or at least a more "elegant" way of noticing when the music stopped (like an OnStopped event)?
If you look at the code from Music.cpp
bool Music::OnGetData(SoundStream::Chunk& data)
Lock lock(myMutex);
// Fill the chunk parameters
data.Samples = &mySamples[0];
data.NbSamples = myFile->Read(&mySamples[0], mySamples.size());
// Check if we have reached the end of the audio file
return data.NbSamples == mySamples.size();
You see that it will return false when its at the end of the file.
So what you want to do is subclass sf::Music. e.g.
class MyMusic : public sf::Music
bool OnGetData(SoundStream::Chunk& data)
bool running = sf::Music::OnGetData(data);
return running;
void OnMusicEnd()
// ...