I am looking for some Python code to create a Windows Task in the Task Scheduler, it needs to run at start & have the highest permissions level (admin).
// description of your code here
Uses the new COM Task Scheduler Interface to create a new disabled scheduled task, then run it once as part of a script. Use this to launch interactive tasks, even remotely.
import win32com.client
computer_name = "" #leave all blank for current computer, current user
computer_username = ""
computer_userdomain = ""
computer_password = ""
action_id = "Test Task" #arbitrary action ID
action_path = r"c:\windows\system32\calc.exe" #executable path (could be python.exe)
action_arguments = r'' #arguments (could be something.py)
action_workdir = r"c:\windows\system32" #working directory for action executable
author = "Someone" #so that end users know who you are
description = "testing task" #so that end users can identify the task
task_id = "Test Task"
task_hidden = False #set this to True to hide the task in the interface
username = ""
password = ""
run_flags = "TASK_RUN_NO_FLAGS" #see dict below, use in combo with username/password
#define constants
IID_ITask = "{148BD524-A2AB-11CE-B11F-00AA00530503}"
#connect to the scheduler (Vista/Server 2008 and above only)
scheduler = win32com.client.Dispatch("Schedule.Service")
scheduler.Connect(computer_name or None, computer_username or None, computer_userdomain or None, computer_password or None)
rootFolder = scheduler.GetFolder("\\")
#(re)define the task
taskDef = scheduler.NewTask(0)
colTriggers = taskDef.Triggers
trigger = colTriggers.Create(TASK_TRIGGER_DAILY)
trigger.DaysInterval = 100
trigger.StartBoundary = "2100-01-01T08:00:00-00:00" #never start
trigger.Enabled = False
colActions = taskDef.Actions
action = colActions.Create(TASK_ACTION_EXEC)
action.ID = action_id
action.Path = action_path
action.WorkingDirectory = action_workdir
action.Arguments = action_arguments
info = taskDef.RegistrationInfo
info.Author = author
info.Description = description
settings = taskDef.Settings
settings.Enabled = False
settings.Hidden = task_hidden
#register the task (create or update, just keep the task name the same)
result = rootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition(task_id, taskDef, TASK_CREATE_OR_UPDATE, "", "", RUNFLAGSENUM[run_flags] ) #username, password
#run the task once
task = rootFolder.GetTask(task_id)
task.Enabled = True
runningTask = task.Run("")
task.Enabled = False
This code creates a task to run daily, but not at login & not as admin. Is there any way I can do this without requiring the UAC Prompt to open at startup?
EDIT: I am NOT looking to just make the program ask for administrator, as the prompt will popup, as specified above. I need it to have the highest execution level in the WINDOWS EVENT SCHEDULER to run at logon.
After searching Google more thoroughly, I came across a command that does exactly what I need.
schtasks.exe /create /S COMPUTERNAME /RU "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /RL HIGHEST /SC ONLOGON /TN "Administrative OnLogon Script" /TR "cscript.exe \"Path\To\Script.vbs\""
All I need to do is replace the computer name, and program to execute and it makes the task perfectly. I can execute it in a elevated Python environment to create it.