I want to set the title of the current screen window (inside the screen session) via a bash command.
I know it can be done via C-a A, but that does not work directly as a shell command.
screen -t <mytitle> <args>
in the current window works, but it creates a new window. I want to rename the current window.
All the posts I saw either dealt with doing this outside a running screen session, or used the screen keybindings/commands.
Open your ~/.bashrc file in gedit
gedit ~/.bashrc
Add the following function at the end of the file.
# function to set terminal title
function settitle(){
if [[ -z "$ORIG" ]]; then
Rerun the bashrc file to make changes effective in the current terminal. This won't be needed afterwards.
source ~/.bashrc
Now using the function rename the terminal name from the shell. From the shell type
settitle hello
This will name it hello.