I have this code
joint_name = cmds.ls(sl=1)[0]
circle_name = cmds.circle(name = joint_name + "_CTL", nr=(1, 0, 0) )
group_name = cmds.group(name = joint_name + "_OFFSET")
cmds.select(joint_name, group_name)temp_constraint = cmds.parentConstraint()
cmds.select(circle_name, joint_name)
When you select a joint and run this code you will get a circle that will control that joint. While going down the hierarchy you have to select that joint and then run the code.
How would I be able to have all the joints to have circles controlling them without having to go through the outliner selection a joint?
run this on your chain of joint :
for x, joint_name in enumerate(cmds.ls(sl=1, dag=True, type='joint')):
circle_name = cmds.circle(name = '{}_CTL{:02d}'.format(joint_name,x), nr=(1, 0, 0) )
group_name = cmds.group(name = '{}_OFFSET{:02d}'.format(joint_name,x))
cmds.select(joint_name, group_name)
temp_constraint = cmds.parentConstraint()
cmds.select(circle_name, joint_name)
Note that instead of use select, you could feed pointConstraint : cmds.pointConstraint(circle_name, joint_name, n='something')