We're using Bot Channels Registration in Azure and it gets created as a separate resource in my Resource Group. Now I would like to add it to my ARM template based deployment. Unfortunately I can't see any Automation option when I open the resource:
I've also tried to generate Automation template for entire Resource Group but Bot Channels Registration is not being added in that case.
I can't find anything on ARM templates page either.
Any ideas how to get the template for this resource ? Or maybe I could create it directly from Powershell as a workaround ?
We have resource type "Microsoft.BotService/botServices" to accomplish the requirement of creating Bot Channels Registration using ARM template. For more details w.r.t this, please refer https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/microsoft.botservice/2018-07-12/botservices
I was able to create Bot Channels Registration resource using the same ARM template. For illustration see below screenshots.
Hope this helps!! Cheers!! :)
Just FYI, we also have ARM templates for channels, enterprise channels, connections. For more details w.r.t these, please refer https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/microsoft.botservice/allversions