I want to get the coordinates of the corners of the rectangle. Or to find the coordinate of the north-westest most point, 50 km from the map centre.
Does anyone know how I can do that?
The point is when I move around the map, I want to always have a rectangle(the rectangle does not need to drew, I just need its coordinates for a backend request), with it's corners always at 50 km from the current centre of the map.
I'm thinking of using somehow the distance
function from CLLocation
, but in this case I have the distance, but not one of the coordinates.
50km = mapCenterLocation.distance(from: coordinatesUnknown)
Not really sure what do you mean, but maybe this can help
func getNewTargetCoordinate(position: CLLocationCoordinate2D, userBearing: Float, distance: Float)-> CLLocationCoordinate2D{
//haversine formula
//r is earth radius
let r = 6378140.0
let latitude1 = position.latitude * (Double.pi/180);
let longitude1 = position.longitude * (Double.pi/180);
//bearing for user heading in degree
let brng = Double(userBearing) * (Double.pi/180);
//calculating user new position based on user distance and bearing can be seen at haversine formula
var latitude2 = asin(sin(latitude1)*cos(Double(distance)/r) + cos(latitude1)*sin(Double(distance)/r)*cos(brng));
var longitude2 = longitude1 + atan2(sin(brng)*sin(Double(distance)/r)*cos(latitude1),cos(Double(distance)/r)-sin(latitude1)*sin(latitude2));
//converting latitude as degree
latitude2 = latitude2 * (180/Double.pi)
longitude2 = longitude2 * (180/Double.pi)
// return location of user
return CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude2, longitude2)
This work for NE direction and distance in meters for the north-west direction, I think you can just put 135 for the degree and 5000 for distance. For the position, you need to put map center location.
edit: For custom rectangle., you can first check for the diagonal degree
func getDiagonalDegree(x: Float, y:Float) -> Float{
return atan2(y,x)*(180/Double.pi)
So now you can get that returned diagonal degree to and put it in getNewTargetCoordinate. New bearing is 270+diagonalDegree.