I'm currently reading Category Theory for Programmers by Bartosz Milewski. In chapter about natural transformation i found a following paragraph:
Letβs focus on two objects of πππ β categories π and π. There is a set of natural transformations that go between functors that connect π to π. These natural transformations are our new arrows from π to π. By the same token, there are natural transformations going between functors that connect π to π, which we can treat as new arrows going from π to π. Horizontal composition is the composition of these arrows.
Could someone explain how did natural trasformation between functors that connect categories C and D suddenly became arrows connecting C and D, which would make it a functor again?
It so happens that Cat has more structure than the obvious one: a category with categories as objects and functors as morphisms. There is a second layer, in which we combine all natural transformations between all pairs of functors from C to D and call it a hom-set from C to D. We define composition between these hom-sets in terms of horizontal composition of natural transformations. Notice, these new hom-sets are different from old hom-sets, which are sets of functors.