I have a data frame named my_df with the following information:
Id_user Id_log Condition
123 a day
124 a day
125 a night
126 b day
127 b day
130 c night
I would like to make a new column with values based on the number of times Id_log appears. For example:
Id_user Id_log Condition Id_log_user
123 a day 1
124 a day 2
125 a night 3
126 b day 1
127 b day 2
130 c night 1
What I've tried is making a count with dplyr
counts_id_log<-my_df %>% group_by(id_log) %>% count(id_log)
counts_id_log looks like:
id_log n
a 3
b 2
c 1
Then I can use id_log as a vector and then create a vector of ascending numbers based on the value of id_log. For example:
x<- counts_id_log$n
Based on x I am trying to create the following vector:
y<- c(1,2,3,1,2,1)
After tha I can add y vector to the original data frame.
I've tried something rep
but without good results. Any suggestion would be appreciated. I hope this is clear.
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