Search code examples

Create array in convenience init

I was learning S.O.L.I.D right now from the book iOS programming Big Nerd Ranch. I want to make a an array from convenience init but I have a problem, I want to display the text and image like the exact order of an array but I don't know how. here I show you my code

This is my item class

class Item: NSObject {
var imageName: String
var label: String

init(imageName: String, label: String) {
    self.imageName = imageName
    self.label = label


convenience init(list: Bool = false) {
    if list {
        let imageList = ["milada-vigerova", "david-rodrigo", "quran"]
        let labelList = ["Fiqih", "Hadist", "Tafsir"]

        let sortImageName = imageList[imageList.count - 1]
        let sortLabel = labelList[labelList.count - 1]

        self.init(imageName: sortImageName, label: sortLabel)
    } else {
        self.init(imageName: "", label: "")

this my ItemStore class that create an array from Item class

class ItemStore {
var allItems = [Item]()

@discardableResult func createItem() -> Item {
    let newItem = Item(list: true)

    return newItem

// I make this for in loop to make the table view numberOfSection will return 3 of an allItems
init() {
    for _ in 0..<3 {

Please help me


  • Good Lord, this is pretty nerdy and cumbersome code.

    First of all a struct is sufficient, you get the initializer for free

    struct Item {
        let imageName: String
        let label: String

    In ItemStore create the array instantly

    class ItemStore {
        var allItems = [Item]()
        func createArray() {
            allItems = [Item(name: "Fiqih", image: "milada-vigerova"),
                        Item(name: "Hadist", image: "david-rodrigo"),
                        Item(name: "Tafsir", image: "quran")]

    In the table view return allItems.count in numberOfRows (not numbersOfSection)