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How to get the location of the scanned file when using Google Cloud DLP API?

I'm scanning a nested directory in a cloud storage bucket. The result doesn't contain the matched value (quote) although I have the include_quote on. Also, how do I get the name of the files that have the matching along with the matched values? I'm using Python. This is what I have so far. As you can see, the API found matching, but I'm not getting the details on which words (and the files) were flagged.

inspect_job = {
  'inspect_config': {
      'info_types': info_types,
      'min_likelihood': MIN_LIKELIHOOD,
      'include_quote': True,
      'limits': {
          'max_findings_per_request': MAX_FINDINGS
  'storage_config': {
      'cloud_storage_options': {
          'file_set': {
                      bucket_name=STAGING_BUCKET, dir_name=DIR_NAME)

operation = dlp.create_dlp_job(parent, inspect_job)

Here is the result:

result {
processed_bytes: 64
total_estimated_bytes: 64
info_type_stats {
  info_type {
    name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
  count: 1
info_type_stats {
  info_type {
    name: "PHONE_NUMBER"
  count: 1
info_type_stats {
  info_type {
    name: "FIRST_NAME"
  count: 2


  • You need to follow "Retrieving inspection results" section in and specify save findings action