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Convert blank values to zero when using the Query function

Is there a way to convert data going into a query() function so that blank/null values are converted to zero?

I have a dataset with three columns:

Group    AC       Plan
Comms    350      [blank]
IT       50,000   85,000
Rent     15,000   15,000
Training [blank]  8,500

I want to query the set to find the difference between AC and Plan,
e.g. =query('data', "select A, B-C",1). However, since the query omits blank cells when calculating B-C, the result is like this:

Group    Diff
Comms    [blank]
IT       -35,000
Rent     0
Training [blank]

When I wanted this:

Group    Diff
Comms    350
IT       -35,000
Rent     0
Training -8,500

Before you go wild: I am not able to change the source data (the incoming data is actually another query() using the pivot functionality). And the reason I need this to work is I use a limit clause to confine the results to only the top 25 and bottom 25 differences.


