I searched high and low and cannot find a specific answer that works. I need to add a button to a form in App Maker to record a timestamp, not a date, when clicked. So far the only thing that I've managed to get to work is
widget.datasource.item.Timestamp_OUT = new Date();
I've also tried
var timestamp = getTimeStamp();
But keep getting an error "ReferenceError: "getTimeStamp" is not defined". I'm probably missing the obvious as it shouldn't be this difficult to do something this simple. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Success! With the help of everyone here and the guys at this link: Google Groups - Solution I've managed to crack the case (and learn some stuff along the way).
Everything originally above works just fine if you take the " + " out of the function so it reads
function getTimeStamp(){
var timestamp = new Date();
return timestamp;
Then, onclick of
var timestamp = getTimeStamp();
widget.datasource.item.Timestamp_IN = timestamp;
Next, format the table to show the correct data with
@datasource.item.Test_Timestamp#formatDate('EEEE \x27at\x27 h:mm:ss a')
And "Hey Presto!" you get a button that, when clicked, gives you a timestamp. Thaks to everyone who pitched in, you're the reason people who are learning continue to do so and don't throw in the towel when things get difficult :)