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bash operations on arrays using bc

from reading the man page of bc, it seems that bc can accept simple variables, but also arrays as input.

However, if I try to add two arrays, I only get a single element as an output

a=(1 2 3)
b=(10 11 12)
c=`echo "$a + $b" | bc`

Then c only contains 11. If there a way to get bc to operate on all elements in the arrays to produce (11 13 15) as an output? Or do I need to do a loop?


  • bc can't natively access bash arrays, but you can generate from your two arrays a stream of addition operations, and read their results back into a third array (thus only needing to invoke bc once, rather than running a separate copy of bc per loop entry):

    a=(1 2 3)
    b=(10 11 12)
    readarray -t c < <(for idx in "${!a[@]}"; do
      echo "${a[$idx]} + ${b[$idx]}"
    done | bc)
    declare -p c              # print output as an array definition
    printf '%s\n' "${c[@]}"   # print output one entry per line

    See this running at, properly emitting as output:

    declare -a c=([0]="11" [1]="13" [2]="15")