I am removing all the datasets from CKAN and recreate them. However, there is one last dataset which I cannot delete. I am using the ckan API to do removal from python. I can search and get the dataset from both UI and command line, however, when I click on the link to the dataset in browser, it gives me 404 page. When I try to create the dataset with same name, it failed with name conflict. any clue? Thanks!
You should rebuild the search index. This is useful to prevent search indexes from getting out of sync with the main database. You should run:
CKAN >= version 2.8:
ckan -c /etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini search-index rebuild
CKAN < 2.8:
paster --plugin=ckan search-index rebuild -c /etc/ckan/default/production.ini
For more info please check official docs